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UIDiagram is a plug-in for Eclipse platform. It's a visual tool for design and development of software through modelling. It utilises MDA concepts and is primarily oriented to Java based tools and technologies. UIDiagram strength lies in Web Service based approach, which makes it interoperable and useful in wide range of applications.

At the beginning it was focused on providing solutions for mobile devices. Future plans provide templates for generating applications for other platforms, like: Swing, Jython, PHP. UIDiagram's comprehensive domain model can be used to create prototype of an user interface in any programming language.

Project's page on can be found here.



Visual editor
The editor is visual and easy to learn. The UIDiagram's domain model consists of a few items. This features make it ideal tool for prototyping applications.
Web Service loader
While editing, one can point existing URL with existing Web Service and it will be add to the diagram.
Laszlo template
Template for generating Laszlo applications.
Thinlet template
Template for generating Thinlet applications.


11/10/2006 New downloads available
Check out these features including brand new, GMF based UI Diagram Editor!
11/7/2006 New Web Site
From this day UIDiagram project has new web site. I belive it's more user friendly and intuitive. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do.